Your SAP finance data may suck today, but it doesn’t have to. Let us show you how to improve it with automation. SAP finance data and the processes used to create and manage them are complex and error-prone. As a result, there is a significant chance that the quality of your data is suboptimal. If you manage your SAP data manually, whether in the SAP GUI or Fiori apps, these processes are slow, lack agility, and deliver poor data integrity. Precisely can help you overcome these challenges.
In this session, Precisely will demonstrate how adopting automation for SAP finance processes can significantly improve the quality and integrity of your SAP data through automation. With over 20 years of experience automating SAP finance processes, first as Winshuttle and now as Precisely, we have the know-how and experience to help you fix your processes and data, resulting in better business decisions and more accurate reporting.